Most Typical Diet Habits That Affect Our Immune System

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Food is one of the most important parts of our day. Whether we want to improve our physical health, boost our mental faculties or just want to be smarter, we need to eat well. In the past few years, many people have been making changes to their eating habits in order to improve their health in general. But what about improving your immune system? While flu season is at its height, there are additional ways to stay healthy and prevent getting sick by improving your diet.

Too much sugar

Sugar and simple carbohydrates are bad for your health. Excess intake of these foods is one reason why the common cold can be so debilitating and why dieting alone is unlikely to rid you of the virus. Sugar is also an efficient vehicle for storing energy and creating fat more rapidly than you might like.

Excessive drinking

Alcohol has been shown in some studies to increase the risk of contracting influenza and pneumonia. In general, moderate alcohol consumption is considered safe for the general population. One of the best ways to keep your immune system working effectively is to drink less alcohol. There is growing scientific evidence that moderate alcohol consumption can have a positive effect on the immune system.

Fast food

Fast food can lower your immunity. Fast food contains chemicals called monosodium glutamate (MSG) which stimulate the growth of good bacteria in the intestines but can also make you sick. Your immune system responds to food by producing antibodies to try and destroy attacks by germs. If you eat a lot of fast food and then get sick, this will boost the size of your virus load very quickly which could make you more susceptible to illness.

Too much salt

Eating too much salt can harm your immune system. It could make you more susceptible to illness and make it harder for you to fight off infections. This applies to most people but is especially likely to occur in those with compromised immune systems caused by chronic lifestyle factors or certain medications.

Mary has over 10 years of experience as a journalist. She loves to travel and write about her experiences, but she also covers topics such as education, career advice and finances.
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