Organic Food: Is It Really Worth It?

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Organic food is better for your health because it contains fewer harmful chemicals. Environmental scientists have proven that pesticides found in typical organic produce are not evenly dispersed throughout the crop and pose a risk to both humans and animals who eat them. The result of eating organically is accompanied by lower levels of various harmful chemicals in your body and a reduced risk of cancer and other chronic conditions. Eating organic produce also means consuming produce that has not been treated with harmful chemicals such as fluoride or ammonia. However, that is not always the case. Let us discuss some essential truths about organic food.

Organic food is indeed healthier

Organic farming practices are safer than mechanized or chemically-based farming methods because the use of natural fertilizers and pesticides is allowed. This prevents the exposure of workers and the environment to harmful substances such as pesticides and herbicides while still yielding results that are better for the consumer. This also explains why organic livestock production produces cleaner and healthier meat products than factory farm production.

Organic food is more expensive

Organic foods usually cost more because they’re more labor-intensive to produce, resulting in lower margins for farmers and higher prices for consumers. Conventional wisdom has it that the price gap will close as awareness of environmental causes grows, but it may take decades to close the gap entirely. There’s no telling how difficult it will be to move toward more sustainable production practices. Until then, here’s a tip: buy fruits and vegetables from farmers’ markets or join a CSA.

Different taste

Organic fruits and vegetables taste different depending on where they’ve been grown. Depending on where they’re grown, the soil, and the weather, they can have different levels of nutrients available for consumption. This means that a lot of research goes into supporting the specific nutrients your body needs when eating certain types of fruit and veg.

Mary has over 10 years of experience as a journalist. She loves to travel and write about her experiences, but she also covers topics such as education, career advice and finances.
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