Storage Tips For A Neat And Organized Linen Closet

Organizing your linen closet can be quite a challenge, but it can make all the difference in your life. Not only will you be able to find what you need when you need it, but you’ll also be able to save time and effort. Here are some easy tips for how to organize your linen closet:

  • Make the most of vertical space. Go for shelf dividers, baskets or bins that make use of vertical space left behind by bulky items like bath towels. Install shelves that are adjustable so that they can be customized to fit various sized clothing items. This will help you to maximize space in a small area.
  • Install drawers instead of shelves. If you have a lot of sheets and towels that don’t take up much room, installing drawers is an excellent way to store them while keeping them easily accessible. Make sure the drawers are deep enough to store large items so that you can easily retrieve whatever it is that you’re looking for.
  • Use baskets or bins on the floor in front of shelves or drawers to hold smaller items like washcloths or hand towels. This will keep them contained so they don’t fall onto the floor when you open a drawer or pull a shelf out too far.
  • Figure out where everything is going to go before putting things away. This will help you avoid wasting time looking for things later on. Decide if you are going to label each shelf or if it is going to be strictly visual organization.
  • In an effort to save room, consider purchasing a folding drying rack if you don’t already have one. These are great space savers, and they fold up nicely when they aren’t being used. Hang the rack next to the tub when not in use so that it’s handy when needed.
Mary has over 10 years of experience as a journalist. She loves to travel and write about her experiences, but she also covers topics such as education, career advice and finances.
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