How to Use Retinol Correctly: Best Tips Backed by Dermatologists

Discover the best tips of a hero ingredient.
Image: Unsplash

For some, retinol is a bit intimidating and challenging, but it shouldn’t be like this.

This hero ingredient is well-known to boost cell turnover, support skin renewal, and even boost collagen. Retinol is so great that its anti-aging benefits are just unparalleled. So, why is it so hard sometimes to introduce this ingredient in a skin care routine?

We’ve compiled a cool list of everything you need to know about retinol and the best tips to follow.

Begin With Baby Steps

The key to all correct skin care routines is starting slow, allowing your skin to adjust. So, baby steps are super required if you need to get the best of retinol.

Begin by applying a pea-sized amount of retinol (a lower formula of 0.01 – 0.03 % is highly recommended) to clean, dry skin 1-2 times/ week.

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Next, see how that works for your skin and follow the same steps with a stronger retinol formula. You can also start using the ingredient more frequently.

Remember that going too fast or too hard can highly irritate your skin. Also, discuss with a dermatologist first to find out what are the best retinol products for you!

It Works Only at Night

Retinol must be applied only at night. This hero ingredient is sensitive to light, so remember:

  • cleanse
  • tone
  • apply your favorite retinol product
  • moisturize
Image: Unsplash

EXTRA TIP: apply sunscreen during the day to reduce dryness and irritation.

Keep it Low-key

While using retinol, there are some essential rules you have to follow, including:

  • Avoid using too many other skin care products
  • Avoid harsh acids or exfoliators

Retinol needs to work its magic, so it’s best to keep your skin care routine low-key. Be aware of other ingredients that could interfere with this powerhouse ingredient!

It Takes Time to See the Results

Retinol is an active ingredient, and you may see some mild side effects like sun sensitivity or dryness. However, if this ingredient doesn’t work for you, don’t try to force anything.

It takes time to see a difference, and it can take up to 12 weeks for retinol to work its magic. Try to be patient, and the results will be worth it!

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