Do you have a Picky Eater On Your Hands? Here’s What To Do

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In childhood, picky eating is a fairly normal aspect of childhood. Many children have a favorite food and refuse to eat anything else. Some picky eaters will become even more difficult once they gain the power of speech. However, in some cases, picky eating in childhood can lead to poor nutrition in adulthood. Obtaining the nutrients one needs from a diet should be a priority for everyone regardless of age, but picky eating can have a significant impact on one’s health if ignored.

“Picky eating may leave out important nutrients needed for child’s growth and in adults, it may lead to deficiencies or serious eating disorders. Parents are responsible for what foods and drinks are offered to children, when meals and snacks are served, and how the food is presented. Introducing different food in early stages of life makes the food plate varied. Remember, picky kids become picky adults,” explained clinical dietician Lakshita Jain.



Every family is different. Some have kids who are picky eaters. In these cases, it might help to start slow and add one food item to a meal before introducing new foods. A common trick is to introduce one small food item at a time until they are able to eat more of them at one sitting without getting upset.

You can avoid picky eating for your kids by starting slow. Add one food item to a meal and don’t introduce new food unless comfortable with the last one. This idea is easy to practice, but much harder to execute. No matter how much preparation you do, kids will inevitably ask for a particular side- dish or snack every now and then. Food can be an emotional issue for kids. Asking them to choose between two equally good options can cause a lot of stress and confusion.

Mary has over 10 years of experience as a journalist. She loves to travel and write about her experiences, but she also covers topics such as education, career advice and finances.
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