Jamsu- The Newest South Korean Beauty Hack Conquers the World

Credit: Youtube

South Korea is known as a trendsetter country in terms of beauty and makeup. Many South Korean skincare routines and other procedures have become popular worldwide, such as porcelain face or the 10 step skincare routine. The latest trend to conquer even international models such as Bella Hadid and Huda Kattan is Jamsu.

What is Jamsu?

This procedure uses routine makeup procedures but adds an extra step involving cold water. Jamsu will create a matte look on your skin, and it is a technique used mostly during summer. It all started when South Korean women decided to dunk their faces in cold water to seal their makeup and avoid it from wearing off during the heat of the summer days.

How does it work?

According to several publications, Jamsu is a procedure perfect for those with oily skin or people who look good with a matte look. It is also supposed to keep your makeup impeccable for several hours. The term Jamsu can be translated as diving, and it is perfect for countries with humid climates.
The first step of the procedure is to apply all your basic complexion products on your face: moisturizer, foundation, and concealer.

Then, you need to apply powder, the best ones being either trans lucid powder or baby powder on your face. The third and most crucial step is to dunk your face into cold water. You need a bowl of cold water to do this step, but big enough to dunk your entire face in it. The diving should not take longer than 15 to 30 seconds. After that, you need to pat your face and apply your eye makeup and lipstick. Try to hold your hair when trying Jamsu because it can get wet.

Elizabeth used to be an English teacher, but she left her old job so she could raise her children and get more involved with saving the environment. She is passionate about the Planet and loves to cover this topic, but also enjoys to write about family and children activities.
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