Around the world, there are many higher education options for students: universities, colleges and more. In addition, after finishing a bachelor’s degree (B.A), most students start their master’s degree. However, free education is not available for everyone. There are countries in Europe and other parts of the world where it is free, under certain conditions. You need to take an admission exam, and the governments offer free higher education for those with the best results. In other countries, such as the U.S, free higher education is also possible, but not for many. There are several scholarships, but most of them are for bachelor’s degrees, not for master’s degrees.
Students Debts are normalized
Although for most U.S citizens, it is normal to take student loans and have students debts after finishing your master’s degree, many people believe these degrees are not necessary at times. Moreover, many people have talked about the limited job prospects some master’s degrees offer, for which students have to pay enormous amounts of money. This subject has been tackled before, but now, under the global circumstances we live in, it should be brought to light again. Are they necessary?
Students tell their stories

A recent article published by Wall Street Journal tells the stories of several students who graduated from elite universities in the U.S and who are now buried in student debts and with no job prospects. For example, film and drama graduates from the prestigious Columbia University have around $ 300,000 student loans and the job market is not prepared for offering good prospects for them. Journalists argue that these master’s degrees are more about making money than offering students graduate working prospects. These master’s degrees are from elite universities should not influence students in pursuing subjects that will not lead to stable jobs. The subject should be tacked with much more responsibility, and maybe it is time to put an end to studying something, which will not pay off in the end.
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