What Are Bach Flower Remedies and How To Use Them?

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How many times have you thought about using complementary therapy for your health issues? If the answer is sometimes or many times, then Bach flower therapy could be helpful. This alternative treatment uses watered-down extracts from flowers and plants. The one who created the remedies, Edward Bach, was a medical doctor and homoeopath who believed that the body has the ability to heal itself. The Bach flower therapy exists since the 90s, and it can treat both the mind and the body. The extracts help eliminate negative emotions, thus allowing the body to focus on healing itself.

How does it work?

Bach categorised emotions into seven psychological causes of illnesses. The 38 remedies help with negative emotions. The seven emotions are fear, uncertainty, loneliness, oversensitivity, sadness, lack of interest in the present and future, and caring for others at the expense of oneself. To receive proper treatment, Bach recommended a certain flower or a mix for each emotional issue. This complementary treatment can be further discussed with a homeopath, herbalist or other professionals such as acupuncturist or chiropractor.

The Bach Flower Therapy is complementary only

This alternative therapy should never replace the medicine and treatment prescribed by your doctor. It is something extra to help you cope with the situation you are experiencing. According to studies, the treatment is safe to use, and it consists of a liquid that can be ingested directly or mixed with water. There is a Bach Foundation of Registered Practitioners, and it is essential to receive the therapy from someone who studied in-depth about it.

Where is this therapy popular?

According to recent articles, this complementary therapy is popular worldwide, and there are Bach Centres all over the world. After talking and understanding how you are feeling and experiencing, a Bach registered practitioner can offer you proper treatment.

Elizabeth used to be an English teacher, but she left her old job so she could raise her children and get more involved with saving the environment. She is passionate about the Planet and loves to cover this topic, but also enjoys to write about family and children activities.
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