How Love Can Conquer Covid and Other Relationship Stories Told By Experts

Love conquers all, they say, but in the time of Covid, some might have second thoughts.
Image: Unsplash

Love me two times…love me twice today, tell us some famous lyrics. But, how much can we relate to that in the time of Covid? We’re still dealing with some fragile moments since the pandemic left us questioning even our relationships. 

Of course, people come and go. Feelings change, and we get to meet a better version of ourselves every time that happens. But is it enough to keep us going? How about the lovely happy scenarios?

Let’s take a look at how Covid-19 influenced peopled and their relationships. 

Every Relationship Has Its Ups and Downs

Ever since the pandemic began last year, couples have often had to deal with some challenging moments, feeling overwhelmed. Such a thing led to mental and emotional issues, which seem to have resurfaced now.

According to researchers, the pandemic has influenced relationships both for better and worse.

What Experts Say

Shahzeen Shivdasani is a relationship expert and a fantastic writer. She wrote the book “Love, Lust, and Lemons,” and took a closer look at how relationships have changed since last year.

She found that people became more aware of their relationships’ status, choosing to just walk or build stronger connections.

“In some cases, the pandemic has also taught people to fight for their relationships and pay more attention to nurturing them,” says Shahzeen.

Why is it Important to Nurture our Relationships

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Even if we have to deal with more challenges and pandemic outbreaks, in this case, it is vital to have a more empathetic view of relationships. And that means you could either choose to let go or rebuild yourself. 

Also, understanding our family’s values and cooperate as much as we can, is essential during this pandemic time. But, realizing the difference between a “state of mind” and a “feeling,” is even more important.

Of course, we can get sad all the time and feel like there’s no way out. And that’s perfectly fine.

On the other hand, not discussing that with people around you, because you may think they don’t care, could be the worst-case scenario. It won’t affect only you, but others, too.

Shahzeen added:

“[couples] have realized if they survived this before, they can survive this again.”

That means you have to take an “extraordinary” circumstance and turn it into something worth living for. Remember to seek professional help for more support!

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