Motherhood and Career Building Don’t Have to Be Conflicting: Tips To Balance Them

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When you have a baby, your priorities change. You become far more focused on your family and far more willing to sacrifice for your career. But your career is still important to you, and you don’t want it to fall victim to your priorities.
What do you do? When your career is big, powerful, and important to many other people, what can you do to get what you want, while also making sure the people you care about are taken care of?

Motherhood is a full-time job, and careers can be too. So, just because you are a mom doesn’t mean you need to quit your job. You will need to make some adjustments, however, to make it all work. And here are three tips to keep you from feeling like you’re missing out. Tip 1: Find a job that fits your lifestyle. Ask friends and family, “What kind of job would you love to do, but could never do because you have kids?” Then, when you’re interviewing, ask the right questions. Find out whether the job requires you to work nights or weekends, or if you have to be on-call.

Tip 2: Make the job work for you. If you have a baby, you probably won’t be able to work the same hours you used to. So, when you’re interviewing, ask about flexible schedules. Also, ask if you can do your work at home or in another location. If you can do so, then you’ll be more likely to work and less likely to feel guilty about it.

Tip 3: Know when to take a break. If you’re still working full-time, your kids will be old enough to start school. They’ll be in day care, and they’ll make friends with other kids. You might miss them, and you might feel guilty about leaving work. But kids need structure, and you’ll be able to get back to your social life and work after daycare.

Mary has over 10 years of experience as a journalist. She loves to travel and write about her experiences, but she also covers topics such as education, career advice and finances.
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