Top Tips for Parents Of Teens on Social Media

Social media has become part of our daily lives. From Facebook or Twitter to Instagram, teens are constantly connected to their friends, family, and followers. But social media and the internet can be dangerous and can negatively impact your teen’s life and health. Your knowledge and understanding of how the information is shared and the dangers it brings will help you talk to your teen about how to stay safe online. The first step is to talk about the issue with your teen. It’s important to not approach this conversation as a punishment, but instead, as a way to teach your child the dangers of the Internet and how it affects others. Here are some other steps parents can take:

  • Talk about online safety. Talk to your teen about how to use technology safely and responsibly. Set up parental controls on the device he or she uses most often (like an iPad or phone). And talk about how it works, what could happen, and what the consequences would be if he or she did something bad online.
  • Talk to your teen about how to use technology safely and responsibly. Set up parental controls on the device he or she uses most often (like an iPad or phone). And talk about how it works, what could happen, and what the consequences would be if he or she did something bad online. Teach him or her about cyberbullying. Teach them that cyberbullying is an issue that could get them into real trouble — whether that means getting kicked off school rosters or getting into real trouble with law enforcement agencies. Explain that no one deserves to get hurt because of their posts online — especially not their own family members.

  • Be involved in your teen’s social media account. Monitor it regularly, and never approve anything that appears questionable or inappropriate. Check out what they’re posting before they do. Ask them about the people they’re chatting with, and if you see anything that seems troubling, talk to them about it. The more someone sees you as a resource for guidance and advice on social media, the less likely they are to try to reach out to adult strangers or ask for inappropriate content from adult strangers.
Mary has over 10 years of experience as a journalist. She loves to travel and write about her experiences, but she also covers topics such as education, career advice and finances.
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