What parenting style do you adopt? Researchers found four major types of parenting styles. How you discipline your children says a lot about how they will live their life when they reach adulthood. From self-esteem to weight problems, your child’s development is linked to which parenting style you adopt.
Here are the four parenting styles identified by scientists:
- Authoritarian
- Authoritative
- Permissive
- Uninvolved
Authoritarian parenting style
If you like your children to obey you all the time without allowing them to question your rules and behavior, you are probably an authoritarian parent. There is nothing wrong with having authority; however, once you devalue your kid’s feelings, it becomes an issue with long-lasting consequences.
Raising kids can be challenging and tiresome; however, if you focus on obedience rather than explanations, your child will have bigger chances of becoming more hostile and aggressive. Often, kids with strict parents turn into professional liars. Children develop hate feelings toward parents who don’t understand and validate their feelings and opinions.
Think about it. How do you feel when your feelings are not valued? A child feels the same way, and probably on a larger scale. That’s one of the reasons why they start having self-esteem issues. Do you make your kid feel sorry for their mistakes? Start explaining to them why they were wrong. Are you using punishment as a discipline? They will more than likely start lying to avoid punishment. Keep in mind that how you raise your children today will significantly impact the type of person they will become.
Authoritative parenting style
The difference between authoritarian and authoritative parenting is that authoritative parents consider their children’s opinions. While setting boundaries, rules, and consequences, authoritative parents value their kid’s feelings. You can be in charge and have the last word without using punishments.
Positive discipline is becoming more popular among the parents, as it should. Reinforcing good behavior through praise and reward systems is a great way to teach your kid to behave. Using an authoritative parenting style will prevent behavior problems in the long run.
According to the experts, children with authoritative parents have more chances of becoming responsible adults. If you help your kids to express their feelings, they are less prone to have self-esteem issues. Not to say it’s the best discipline to ensure a bright and prosperous future for your babies. Responsible adults make better life decisions.
Permissive parenting styles
The opposite to authoritarian parenting is the permissive discipline. Although being a friend with your kid is lovely and should be encouraged, being too friendly to the point you let your kid overrule your decisions is bad. Permissive parents struggle with authority. Although they implement rules, they often don’t enforce them.
This is one of the reasons why kids start having health problems such as obesity and dental cavities. Permissive parents are usually too forgiving. If a parent doesn’t take rules seriously, a child definitely won’t either. Kids tend to cry or cause a scene when they want to obtain something, and parents who give up on this type of behavior will struggle.
However, allowing this type of behavior will also affect your child’s future. Scientists found that children with permissive parents tend to have low self-esteem when they reach adulthood. Another issue is that they may report a lot of sadness.
Uninvolved parents
If parents are not involved in their child’s life, there are few rules that kids have to follow. Without enough guidance, nurturing, and parental attention, the future of your children doesn’t look very promising. Kids need attention and love. Parents who cannot care for a child’s physical or emotional needs lead to feelings of low self-esteem.
However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the parent wants to be uninvolved. Sometimes parents can suffer from a mental health problem, use drugs, or work too much. Bills don’t pay themselves; however, the same works for children: they don’t raise themselves. These kids often struggle at school, are unhappy, and have behavior issues.
Often, parents are of all of the above categories. However, if you notice that one of them is predominant, take appropriate actions.
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