Would You Rather Questions for Couples

70 Best Would You Rather Questions for Couples – Funny, Spicy & Thought-Provoking

Forget dinner-and-a-movie dates—if you really want to spark deep conversations (or uncontrollable laughter) with your partner, you need the right questions. “Would You Rather” isn’t just a fun game; it’s a surefire way to peel back the layers of your relationship, exposing everything from secret fantasies to hilarious dealbreakers. Whether you want to keep it flirty, deep, or downright ridiculous, these 100+ questions will get you talking—and maybe even blushing.

😂 Funny “Would You Rather” Questions for Couples

(For when you need a good laugh)

  1. Would you rather fart every time you laugh or burp every time you kiss?
  2. Would you rather have a parrot that repeats all your private conversations or a dog that texts your secrets?
  3. Would you rather have a personal theme song that plays every time you enter a room or a laugh track that follows you?
  4. Would you rather always smell like onions or have breath that smells like garlic?
  5. Would you rather accidentally like an ex’s Instagram post from 5 years ago or text your boss something meant for your partner?
  6. Would you rather have to dance everywhere you go or sing everything you say?
  7. Would you rather have your partner control your social media for a week or your phone’s autocorrect?
  8. Would you rather switch voices with your partner for a day or bodies?
  9. Would you rather have a partner who sleep-talks or one who sleep-dances?
  10. Would you rather have to wear clown shoes forever or an oversized cowboy hat?
  11. Would you rather have a partner who always talks in baby talk or one who only communicates in memes?
  12. Would you rather have an embarrassing tattoo on your forehead or have to introduce yourself with a cringy nickname?
  13. Would you rather have to wear matching Christmas sweaters every day or never be allowed to celebrate holidays?
  14. Would you rather have a laugh that sounds like a siren or hiccup every time you get excited?
  15. Would you rather have to use a sock puppet to speak for you in public or only be able to whisper?

💕 Romantic “Would You Rather” Questions for Couples

(For deep and meaningful conversations)

  1. Would you rather go back in time to relive our first kiss or fast-forward to our dream future together?
  2. Would you rather always have to call each other “babe” or never be able to use pet names again?
  3. Would you rather have a lifetime of love letters or a never-ending supply of surprise date nights?
  4. Would you rather spend every birthday together or every New Year’s Eve?
  5. Would you rather get a heartfelt love note every day or a surprise gift every month?
  6. Would you rather always sleep holding hands or never be able to sleep in the same bed?
  7. Would you rather have an amazing wedding but a bad honeymoon or a bad wedding and an incredible honeymoon?
  8. Would you rather be proposed to in public or in private?
  9. Would you rather live in a small cozy apartment with me or a mansion where we’re rarely home together?
  10. Would you rather never argue but feel distant, or argue occasionally but feel deeply connected?

💰 Money “Would You Rather” Questions for Couples

(For when finances matter)

  1. Would you rather be rich but never travel or travel constantly but always be broke?
  2. Would you rather split everything 50/50 or have one partner cover all the expenses?
  3. Would you rather live in a tiny home but be debt-free or in a mansion with a mortgage?
  4. Would you rather have a job you hate that pays millions or a job you love with just enough money to live on?
  5. Would you rather win the lottery but never see me again or be broke but together forever?
  6. Would you rather work opposite shifts and make more money or have less money but more time together?
  7. Would you rather invest in a dream vacation or put the money toward a dream home?
  8. Would you rather always have to split the bill exactly or always take turns paying?
  9. Would you rather spend money on experiences or material things?
  10. Would you rather get a prenup or go all in with shared finances?

🏡 Lifestyle “Would You Rather” Questions for Couples

(For those everyday relationship dilemmas)

  1. Would you rather live in the city or the countryside?
  2. Would you rather adopt 5 pets or have 5 kids?
  3. Would you rather have date night every week or a big vacation once a year?
  4. Would you rather have to share a toothbrush or never be able to kiss again?
  5. Would you rather always cook at home or always eat out?
  6. Would you rather sleep in the same bed every night or always have to sleep apart?
  7. Would you rather have to agree on every movie we watch or always take turns?
  8. Would you rather do all the cleaning or all the cooking?
  9. Would you rather never go to a concert again or never go to the movies again?
  10. Would you rather live without internet or without air conditioning?

🤯 Deep “Would You Rather” Questions for Couples

(For when you want to get to know each other on a whole new level)

  1. Would you rather always know what I’m thinking or have me always know what you’re thinking?
  2. Would you rather relive your best day ever or fast-forward to see our future?
  3. Would you rather know the exact date of your death or never know?
  4. Would you rather forget all our past memories together or never be able to make new ones?
  5. Would you rather lose all your money or all your friends?
  6. Would you rather have perfect health or perfect happiness?
  7. Would you rather be famous and lonely or unknown and loved?
  8. Would you rather always have to be honest, even if it hurts, or always tell white lies to protect feelings?
  9. Would you rather have the ability to read my mind or change my emotions?
  10. Would you rather know the meaning of life or be able to change one moment in history?

FAQs: More Fun with Would You Rather!

Q: What is the best way to play Would You Rather with my partner?
A: Keep it spontaneous! Play over dinner, on a long drive, or before bed. Take turns asking, and don’t rush the answers—let them spark conversations.

Q: Should we only pick serious or funny questions?
A: Mix it up! Some questions help you bond on a deeper level, while others keep things playful and lighthearted.

Q: Can Would You Rather help strengthen relationships?
A: Absolutely! These questions reveal values, preferences, and even hidden desires, making communication fun and effortless.

Elizabeth G. Cole
Elizabeth used to be an English teacher, but she left her old job so she could raise her children and get more involved with saving the environment. She is passionate about the Planet and loves to cover this topic, but also enjoys to write about family and children activities.