NASA protects the US astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor against the Russian accusations. Russia says the astronaut intentionally drilled a hole in the International Space Station (ISS) back in 2018. They pin her actions on a psychological crisis, as the mistake forced ...

The Russian space module Nauka docked with the International Space Station (ISS) on Thursday. After a few technical issues, the giant spaceship arrived at the orbiting laboratory; however, things got slightly out of hand. Suddenly after three hours, Nauka started ...

Departure from the International Space Station (ISS) leaves the space team amazed by the astonishing aurora lights. Although auroras frequently occur in space, a large expulsion of material from the Sun made this one memorable.  The stunning polar lights reached the Earth displaying ...

On Friday, a Russian cargo ship docked on a different side of the International Space Station (ISS). After an almost 29 hours flight mission, the ship connected to the new Nauka lab module. The Progress 78 cargo ship arrived on ...

Varda Space and SpaceX are working together. The space manufacturing company wants to send a spacecraft into space in early 2023, and SpaceX will make it happen. The plan is to send their first spacecraft on a Falcon 9. However, ...

Exploring space is a huge challenge for humanity. NASA plans to send new astronomers to Moon by 2004. But, the broader plan is to set foot on Mars. However, scientists have a long way to understand how space affects our bodies. Is exploring deep ...