Trying To Improve Your Mental Health? Journaling Might Be Perfect For You

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The act of creating and keeping notes about your day is known as journaling. Journaling is an excellent way to capture thoughts and experiences that can improve your mental health. It can help you process negative emotions better. It can help you find new coping skills. And it can make you happier. There is something comforting about turning in your paper at the end of the day, knowing that it’s been something meaningful (even if it’s just an idea or two). Here are some of the benefits that journaling practice can bring to your mental health:

Gratitude journaling

This form of journaling allows you to write about the things you are grateful for, whether they are essential parts of your life or brief moments of joy. It’s been proven that gratitude helps us feel better and improve our mental health. One key aspect of this is how it changes how we view the world. When we experience gratitude for a positive or beneficial experience, it causes chemicals in our brain to change, which increases levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).


Journaling is a way of turning what’s happening inside out, deciding what you’re emotionally invested in, and expressing it. You can use journaling to figure out where your attention is going and where it should be going next. It gives you a space to look at your thoughts in a new way and layout all your possible outcomes. This might help clear out impacts from the past and set new goals for yourself. It also poses difficult questions: How can I identify the good stuff in my life?

Channel your emotions

As we experience more stress in our lives, it’s important to have avenues to channel those emotions. Reaching into your journal can be one of the most effective ways to release negative emotions and refocus on more positive aspects of your life.

Mary has over 10 years of experience as a journalist. She loves to travel and write about her experiences, but she also covers topics such as education, career advice and finances.
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